Every day we are confronted with new essential applications to our everyday life, which will become obsolete a few years later, and that, as well in the private as professional field.

Whether it is a software, an application or a simple website, almost all these services require without exception to have to create an account and it is sometimes a real hassle to delete this account when you do not 'no longer need it!

Most of the time, apps play on the difficulty of deleting an account to keep your personal information in order to regularly restart you so that you come back to use their services or sometimes even sell them to third companies.

Indeed, without knowing the right procedure, sometimes confusing to delete your account, most users prefer to give up and they leave their information to these companies who continue to harass them, to end up in spam in the best case.

That's why a solution has emerged to simply give you, without the need to create an account, all detailed information (in English) for each service to know the procedure of closing an account.

This application, or rather, this website is called AccountKiller!

How does AccountKiller work?

AccountKiller.com is simply a site that lists a maximum of services in various forms, which are particularly difficult to delete, or are not intuitive when it comes to closing an account.

There are thus various and varied services, such as Facebook, Skype or Tinder. If you've ever tried to close one of their accounts, you understand the value of having a guide available. You may not have succeeded and ended up giving up. If so, it's not too late, with AccountKiller you can still get your revenge!

AccountKiller classifies the different sites and applications according to their difficulty in closing an account. There are 3 colors (White, Gray, Black), white was the easiest and black the most complicated.

More than a guide, an extension of warning?

AccountKiller doesn't stop at a simple guide. Indeed, the site offers its own extension, available on most browsers as well as on IOS. This extension is found under the name: AccountKiller SiteCheck.

The interest of this application is not to delete the accounts for you, but rather to serve as a watch at the level of the conditions for deleting an account on a particular service.

Through this application, if you want to register somewhere and that the site is referenced in the database of AccountKiller (which can also be updated by its users who have the opportunity to submit a site directly on www.accountkiller.com ), the extension will warn you by giving you all the information you need to quickly and efficiently delete your account on the day you want!