Polite formulas to avoid at the end of the email

Useless sentences, negative formulas, abbreviations or accumulation of formulas… These are all uses at the end of the email that deserve to be abandoned. You will gain a lot by being more engaging in the formulas at the end of the email. It is the achievement of the objectives that motivated the choice of writing an email. If you are an office worker or someone who regularly emails for work, this article is for you. You will surely improve your art of correspondence.

Some examples of formulas for which you should not opt

It is important to slip a greeting at the end of an email, but not just any.

Common formulas or made up of unnecessary sentences

Finishing a professional email with an engaging formula offers the sender the guarantee of being read and of letting the recipient know what is expected of him. However, by adopting a very stereotypical polite phrase such as: "Remaining at your disposal for any further information ...", there is a great chance that it will not be read. It is indeed quite commonplace.

Polite formulas at the end of the email made up of unnecessary sentences are also to be avoided. Not only do they add no added value to the message, they appear meaningless and can discredit the sender.

Negative formulas

Beyond the editorial context, it is established by several studies that negative formulations have an impact on our subconscious. Rather, they push to commit the forbidden rather than to avoid it. As a result, polite expressions such as "Please call me" or "We will not fail to ..." are very uninviting and can unfortunately have the opposite effect.

Formulas in the form of cumulative

The abundance of good does no harm, they say. But what do we do with this Latin maxim “Virtus stat in medio” (Virtue in the middle ground)? Suffice to say that the polite formulas may be chosen in context, when they accumulate, they can quickly become inoperative.

Thus, polite expressions such as "See you soon, have a good day, cordially" or "Very good day, Respectfully" are to be avoided. But then, what form of politeness to adopt?

Instead, opt for these polite expressions

When you are waiting for a response from your correspondent, the ideal is to say: "Pending your return, please…". Other polite expressions to show your availability, "Please know that you can contact us" or "We invite you to contact us".

Polite expressions such as "Friendship" or "Good day" are to be used when you are already used to communicating with the recipient.

As for the polite expressions "Sincerely" or "Very cordially", they are suitable for situations in which you have previously discussed several times with your interlocutor.

Regarding the polite formula "Sincerely," you should know that it is quite friendly and formal. If you have never met the recipient, this formula can still be validly used.