In companies, meetings are often followed by reports or summary emails so that those who have not been able to attend are aware of what has been said, or for those present to keep a written record. . In this article, we help you write a summary email following a meeting.

Write a summary of a meeting

When taking notes in a meeting, there are key elements to note in order to then be able to write a summary:

  • Number of participants and names of participants
  • The context of the meeting: date, time, place, organizer
  • The subject of the meeting: both the main subject and the different subjects that were discussed
  • Most of the issues addressed
  • The conclusion of the meeting and the tasks assigned to the participants

Your summary email of the meeting should be sent to all participants, but also to those concerned, for example in your department, who were unable to attend or who had not been invited.

Meeting synthesis email template

Here's a very emai modell meeting summary:

Subject: Summary of the meeting of [date] on [subject]

Hello everybody

Please find below the summary of the meeting on [topic] hosted by [host], which took place at [venue] on [date].

X people were present at this meeting. Mrs / Mr. [organizer] opened the meeting with a presentation on [topic]. We then discussed the following issues:

[List of issues discussed and short summary]

Following our debate, the following points emerged:

[List of conclusions of the meeting and the tasks to be carried out].

The next meeting will be held around [date] to track progress on these issues. You will receive a fortnight before an invitation to participate.

