Exit formulas for an engaging professional email

The first and last words of an email are of paramount importance. This will determine your correspondent's engagement rate. Finishing a powerful professional email goes through two essential elements: the exit formula and polite way of saying. If the first element provides information on the intention of the sender, the second obeys fixed formulas.

However, to be felt and appealing, the polite phrase deserves some form of personalization without sacrificing courtesy. Discover here some output formulas for an efficient professional email.

"I am counting on your answer for the ...": A rigorous polite phrase

You can be polite while remaining rigorous in what you say. Indeed, the polite formulas of the type “Pending your answer…” are rather vague. By saying "I am counting on your answer for ..." or "Please give me your answer before ..." or even "Can you answer me before ...", you are hiring your interlocutor.

The latter understands that before a specific deadline, he has a moral obligation to answer you.

"Wishing to have informed you usefully ...": A formula following a misunderstanding

In times of conflict, in order to respond to a demanding or inappropriate request, it is necessary to use an assertive, but nonetheless courteous formula. The use of the phrase "Wishing to have informed you usefully ..." indicates that you do not intend to stop there and that you think you have been sufficiently clear.

“Wishing to keep your confidence…”: A very conciliatory formula

Commercial language is also very important. Showing your client that you hope to maintain the business relationship as long as possible is definitely a positive opening.

There are also other very accommodating formulas such as "Wishing to be able to respond favorably to your next request" or "Wishing to be able to give you a discount on your next order".

"Delighted to have been able to bring you satisfaction": A formula after a conflict resolution

It happens that in business relationships conflicts or misunderstandings arise. When these situations occur and you manage to find a favorable outcome, you can use this formula: "Glad to have seen a favorable outcome to your request".

"Respectfully": A respectful formula

This polite phrase is used when addressing a line manager or superior. It shows consideration and a mark of respect.

Among the formulas used, we have these: "With all my respect" or "Respectfully".

In any case, it is important to use a polite formula likely to increase the effectiveness of exchanges in a professional setting. But you will also gain a lot by taking care of the spelling and the syntax. There is nothing worse than a misspelled or misspelled business email.