Emails are now an integral part of our means of communication, both personally and professionally. They are quick to write and ship, and reach their recipient instantly. As for a traditional mail, they are subject to rules to be respected and this is what the iBellule platform proposes to teach you, thanks to a short training in total immersion lasting three hours. The precise and concrete method teaches you how to write effective emails without the risk of causing diplomatic incidents.

Birth of iBellule

The iBellule platform was created by the team at Voltaire Project, the online spelling training service. The Voltaire Project site and application allow everyone to work at their own pace to upgrade or improve their spelling, grammar and syntax.

Noting that the problems of writing emails did not come only from errors related to the bad use of the French language, but also from a problem of understanding the very structure of the email, the Voltaire Project wanted to refine its training and decided to create an apprenticeship specially dedicated to writing emails.

To write a professional email, you must already understand the diplomatic and technical aspects: should you reply, reply to all, in which box should the recipients be entered depending on whether or not they should appear to each other, how to fill in effectively the object box… Then, the content is codified and the choice of politeness formulas is extremely important. And finally, the tone must be adapted, because contrary to a discussion on the telephone or face to face, you do not have the physical reaction and a writing can take on a meaning contrary to its intention since it is of course not no question of using smileys to support your intentions in a professional email.

It is to answer all these questions that the iBellule platform was born, good e-mail practices whose slogan is “ To enable each employee to write effective e-mails that will be appreciated by customers and teams ".

Indeed, if you can afford approximations in your formulas and small errors of recipients for your personal emails, it is not the same for professional emails whose consequences can be harmful for your communication and therefore for your exchanges. commercial.

Topics covered by iBellule training

The training has set itself seven objectives:

  • Know who to copy
  • Choose the right introductory formula
  • Use a clear and easy-to-understand style
  • Know how to conclude and greet appropriately
  • Adopt a sober and effective layout
  • Know the 8 formulas to ban
  • Reply to an e-mail of dissatisfaction

The programme

The program is divided into four stages:

1 - I receive an email

What should you do when you receive an email? Is it essential to answer it and do you have to answer all of them, can you forward it…

2 - Recipients, Subject, and Attachments

It is a question of understanding what each heading corresponds to. It is essential to master each function well, because it is often at this level that diplomatic incidents occur.

3 - The contents of the mail

Emails should be concise and effective. The beginning and end of polite formulas must be adapted to your interlocutor and the tone is not the same as in a letter. Ideas must be clear and understood immediately, so appropriate language should be used.

The presentation is also important and this module also addresses mistakes not to commit.

4 - The answer to an email of complaint or dissatisfaction

Any company is fallible and exposes itself to the dissatisfaction of its customers. Diplomacy is essential for a company to maintain a good reputation and, in the case of complaint emails, five essential points must be addressed.

A company with a bad e-reputation will suffer from its mistakes, while by properly managing complaints from dissatisfied customers, it will on the contrary obtain a good reputation for knowing how to serve its customers with impeccable after-sales service.

Duration and course of the training

It takes about three hours in total immersion to complete the entire course. You will alternate personalized training and revision of the delicate points. The interface is perfectly intuitive and its computer graphics understandable at first glance. This training is aimed at both Internet pros and people unfamiliar with this technology.

To measure your performance, you have the option of taking white tests, planning an assessment of your initial level and certifying your level of proficiency.

What does the author of iBellule say?

The iBellule method was developed with Sylvie Azoulay-Bismuth, specialist of the written expression in company, author of the book “Being an e-mail pro”.

She talks about emails like of “a tool that was provided to us without instructions” and she intends to repair this oversight. She designed this module to allow you to write well-constructed and logical emails, to take the recipient where you want them. The author recommends avoiding technical jargon, keeping it short and positive.

Sylvie Azoulay-Bismuth is also interested in our mode of operation. When you write your email, it is with the left hemisphere of your brain and if you read it again immediately, it is always this hemisphere that is used. You absolutely must take a break, even for a very brief moment, to allow the information to flow from one hemisphere to the other and then reread with the right hemisphere which exercises a global vision and gives you more distance to judge the quality of your writing.

The last point she insists on is the need to concentrate and read and write her emails at a fixed time or at least between two tasks so as not to scatter interrupting with each new email that arrives.

Memory Anchoring by Woonoz

The iBellule training is based on the memory anchoring technique which is based on scientific knowledge of the mechanisms that govern memory to maximize the retention rate.

Each person has his own way of to memorize using various mechanisms. By combining memory anchoring techniques with artificial intelligence, Woonoz has developed a perfectly individualized course that takes into account the personal particularities of each person.

Woonoz is an innovative technology company created in 2013 that has received the “Pass French Tech” label, which each year rewards around a hundred hypergrowth companies, nuggets of “French Tech”.

Their solution linked to memory anchoring – awarded many times – has the ultimate goal of ensuring the rapid, lasting, even reflex memorization of the desired information in the service of a training result. "Testable, certifiable and certifiable".

Woonoz uses discoveries in neuroscience and knowledge of the mechanisms that govern memory to drop the frightening rate of 80% of information delivered during training that is forgotten within seven days.

The Woonoz method reinforces the impact of learning by adapting to the level of knowledge of a trainee, the way he memorizes information and his pace of acquisition. The training adapts in real time and optimizes its memorization like never before.

It is the artificial intelligence applied to the learning of the iBellule module which processes the levels to be applied to the trainee thanks to very powerful algorithms judiciously used and combined. The training consists of rolling out a program and proposing scenarios. Artificial intelligence judges acquired and non-acquired notions live and optimizes the program to achieve better memorization.

IBellule training rates

The iBellule platform offers its training to individuals for a price of 19,90 €. You just have to fill in a rather summary questionnaire with your details on their site.

Please note that payment is made by check or PayPal, but is not available by credit card.

For businesses or schools, you must complete the questionnaire and the platform will contact you to draw up an estimate with you according to the size of your school or business.

For a more in-depth study of the subject, you can get the book of Sylvie Azoulay-Bismuth who collaborated on the content of the iBellule training: “Be an email pro”, available on Amazon from 15,99 € (excluding delivery).

To be sure that neither you nor your collaborators make mistakes that can have serious consequences and simply to optimize the drafting of your e-mails so that your commercial exchanges become more efficient, iBellule training is a powerful tool, created thanks to a innovative concept and enriched by content developed by a specialist in this highly specialized field of email literature. In about three hours, the iBellule training offers the opportunity to learn and above all to retain elements that each member of the company will be able to apply on a daily basis. iBellule training is an investment with immediate and daily benefits.