Antidote: what is it?

Antidote is a complete software for correcting all grammatical and spelling mistakes. This powerful tool makes it possible to assemble a corrector for French and English, complete dictionaries, language guides and prisms for revisions and inspections. All this makes it possible to make a rigorous correction to your writings while saving time, because the modifications are very fast.

Who is he talking to ? Both for individuals and professionals. Indeed, this software is used by the general public and very appreciated by professionals who save a lot of time for the correction of their writings. Antidote easily places itself above its competitors, because it is complete on all the points it corrects (grammar, spelling, etc.) which is not the case with other tools in the trade most of the time.

On the other hand, this Word plug-in also works online, for web writers or savvy bloggers, who are looking to save time and shorten proofreading time, or even remove proofreading if you don't have necessarily need an academic text.

Antidote, is it really useful?

Using an orthographic editing software for professional use may seem irrational and even disturbing to an experienced copywriter or journalist for example.

Therefore, we may tend to think that Antidote would be interesting only for people with some orthographic and syntactic concerns, or for a non-native person for example.

Indeed, this Canadian software is very effective for this and can save appearances easily. More and more companies and local authorities use this service for their employees to level the level from above.

In this sense, Antidote is perfect for professionals who are not comfortable with the language of Molière at the written level and who wish to still offer quality content, to develop quotes, write mails or letters for example.

But then ... How can Antidote be used by a professional writer?

While it is clear that the software will not necessarily be very useful for correcting almost non-existent spelling and language errors, it is at the level of syntax and punctuation that this tool does wonders!

Spaces after “:”, commas, capitals and other syntactical points tend to be difficult to master 100%, even for a professional in the sector and are also very often omitted during the first phase of writing. Indeed, focusing on the subject and on the punctuation at the same time is very complex when writing an article for example and it slows down the writing.

Finally, Antidote also remains a real educational tool, perfectly suited to students or new professionals looking to develop their skills. The software does not content itself with correcting faults; An info note will slip in for each fault to explain where this fault comes from, so as not to make the same mistake a second time. This method naturally allows you to improve your language level over time, with real life scenarios.

A bilingual tool at the service of all

As a Canadian reference tool, it is not difficult to understand that Antidote is a tool that works in both French and English and that will allow you to avoid losing hours in spell checking if you were to write in a language. language that you do not master to perfection like English; or develop your skills in this language in the same way as if you used it in French to improve your level of French.

This software also has a major advantage, it is powerful enough to recognize the language used in a text or in an expression, sometimes even better than Word itself! This functionality, which seems innocuous, is nevertheless essential: an error in understanding the language could be very problematic. Indeed, some English words in a French text could be confused and translated automatically if you are not careful and conversely, a French expression used in the English language such as "déjà vu" for example could disturb poorly designed software.

An indispensable tool for all copywriting and copywriting agencies

If there is one type of company that should absolutely get software as an antidote, it is indeed editorial agencies and copywriting agencies!

Indeed, these agencies often tend to outsource really large amounts of work, the use of a correction software like Antidote will allow you to reduce the replay work to minutes instead of hours.

As part of an in-house project, equipping your Antidote teams will even allow you to skip the replay stage, which will be an invaluable time-saver.

Many professionals therefore go through this correction software in order to devote more time to writing work, for example. It is therefore important to work with this type of software for effective results and greater productivity, but it is also legitimate to wonder if Antidote is the right solution among all existing correction software.

Antidote, the most effective corrective tool?

When we talk about spell checking, we do not necessarily think of Antidote at first and French solutions often tend to be obvious.

The Robert Correcteur or the small ProLexis are still references that many users want to favor, but it is not necessarily a very wise choice.

Indeed, if these software 2 are very powerful in terms of results, their ergonomics is really poor, relegating them to the role of simple spelling checkers, like many sites of the genus Bonpatron.

If we had to keep only two really effective correctors on the market, the real question would really arise between Antidote 9 and Cordial Pro. These are two quality software, but unfortunately are not the same ilk, leaving Cordial Pro far behind Antidote 9.

Beyond the price, the main lack of Cordial Pro against Antidote could be summed up in the fact that it only works in French, unlike Antidote which is the only quality bilingual tool on the market.

If you are the type to work on both languages, the question does not even arise!

Another point, the correction is really more qualitative on Antidote, because it supports both the plural and the singular and offers you to choose between the two when the sentence is ambiguous. Cordial Pro on its side is able to handle only the singular in case of ambiguity.

Finally, the last point and not the least, Cordial Pro is slightly more expensive than its competitor, 199 € on average; it therefore appears far too expensive compared to Antidote!

Antidote, an effective software yes, but at what cost?

After reading this, it therefore seems clear that Antidote is the essential software for any professional and anyone seeking to produce clean and well-designed writing. But a very important question arises, what is the price of such qualitative software?

The latest version of the software is currently for a hundred euros on average; it is therefore two times cheaper than its direct competitor for many more features ...

So, at this price, why go without?