Many people skip the draft stage either to show that they have mastered what they are doing or to hope to save time. The reality is that the difference is immediately felt. A text written directly and another written after having made a draft, does not have the same level of consistency. Drafting not only helps organize ideas but also removes those that are less relevant, if at all irrelevant.

What you need to know is that it is up to the author of the text to be clear in order to be understood. It cannot demand much effort from the reader because it is he who wants to be read. So, to avoid being misread or, worse, misunderstanding, first come up with ideas, scramble, and only then start writing.

Proceed in stages

It is an illusion to believe that you can write a good text by writing at the same time that you are looking for ideas. Obviously, we end up with ideas that come late and that should be listed first, given their importance. So we see that it is not because an idea crosses your mind that it is more important than the others. If you don't draft it, your text becomes draft.

In reality, the human brain is programmed to perform only one task at a time. For simple tasks like chatting while watching TV, the brain can hold on to certain passages that you will miss. However, with serious tasks like brainstorming and writing, the brain will not be able to do both correctly at the same time. So the draft will serve as a lever or springboard between the two.

What to avoid

The first thing to avoid is to throw yourself at your computer, looking for keys as well as ideas. Your brain will not follow you. You risk having doubts about banal words, forgetting an idea that has just crossed your mind, not being able to finish a banal sentence, among other blockages.

Therefore, the correct approach is to start by researching ideas and entering them as you go in your draft. Then, you have to structure, prioritize and argue your ideas. Then, you have to check and revise the adopted style. Finally, you can proceed with the layout of the text.

What you must remember

The bottom line is that producing a text directly without working on a draft is risky. The most common risk is to end up with unreadable and messy text. This is the case where we realize that there are great ideas but unfortunately the arrangement is not relevant. This is also the case when you forget an essential idea in the processing of your text.

The last thing to remember is that drafting doesn't waste your time. On the contrary, if you skip this step you may have to redo all the work.