Kubwerera pambuyo poti ntchito yanu yatha sikophweka, kuchokera kwa akatswiri komanso malingaliro anu. Ngati kuchotsa zachuma, makampani omwe ali ndi antchito opitilira 1 akuyenera kupereka tchuthi chantchito. Koma mungatani kuti mupindule kwambiri ndi nthawi yosinthayi? Pano tikukupatsani mafungulo, limodzi ndi Olivier Brevet, director of Oasys Mobilité.

Pakati pa Marichi 1, 2020 ndi Meyi 24, 2021, mwachitsanzo, panthawi yamavuto azaumoyo, dipatimenti ya Animation of Research, Study and Statistics (Dares) yolembedwa ku France 1 PSE (ikukonzekera kuteteza ntchito). Ndi, kumakampani omwe ali ndi antchito opitilira 041, akuyenera kupereka tchuthi chakuwachotsa ntchito ngati atasowa ntchito kwa omwe akukhudzidwa.

« Tchuthi chobwezeretsa anthu ntchito chimapangitsa kuti pakhale ndalama zochepa (miyezi 4) ndi chipukuta misozi (65% ya malipiro apakati pa miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yapitayi), akufotokoza a Olivier Brevet, director of Oasys Mobilité, a firm assist staff before leaving the company (information, decision support, reflection) and after their leaving for the concrete implementation of their project (ntchito, maphunziro, kupanga bizinesi, kuthetsa ufulu wa penshoni, ndi zina zambiri). Kenako, zokambirana zimachitika malinga ndi kutalika kwake