A childcare assistant is the guardian angel of children, and can be found in all sectors related to motherhood and early childhood. He accompanies children from the moment they are born and plays a very important role with parents. To have the chance to practice this profession, you must join a specialized school called IFAP, and to pass the selections, you can count on distance training which will allow you to successfully pass the tests. You can progress at your own pace and benefit from quality teaching!

What is distance learning to become a childcare assistant?

To to become childcare assistant, you must attend a school called IFAP, an acronym which means: Auxiliary Training Institute in Childcare. This type of institute trains professionals capable of taking care of children from birth until they are 3 years old, in social or health structures, such as nurseries or maternity wards. They must take care of their hygiene, care, food and supervision. Their role does not stop with the little cabbages, but it is just as important with the parents. They accompany them in their first steps as parents and teach them how to take good care of their baby, to provide him with care and to ensure his well-being. For this they must receive training professional and specialized.

It exists distance learning institutes that allow you to do this learning. You will receive your lessons via an e-learning platform or by post. Here are some examples of queries you can do on Google to find a center that offers quality education:

  • remote IFAP;
  • Remote IRTS;
  • remote IFAS;
  • School of the social sector at a distance;
  • Distance health school.

The advantages and disadvantages of auxiliary training in childcare at a distance

Distance learning courses to become a childcare assistant are very interesting, flexibility is undoubtedly their main quality. They allow you to work at your own pace, while continuing to practice your profession and do other activities. This type of training also offers other advantages:

  • these courses are accessible from the age of 17 and no age limit is imposed;
  • they are less expensive than face-to-face training;
  • you can access it at any time of the year;
  • they do not require any degree requirement;
  • you have the choice between registering for continuing or initial training;
  • you will be able to manage your schedule;
  • these schools offer rigorous educational monitoring and can support you for up to 3 years;
  • you benefit from a good preparation on the written and oral aspect;
  • you will be able to learn all the basics of this profession and will even be able to answer the most technical questions;
  • thanks to state-of-the-art educational materials, such as online courses, an educational platform, an available and attentive referent, etc., you will benefit from quality training;
  • these trainings include the theoretical and practical aspects. You will perfectly master all the daily gestures as well as all the aspects of your future job;
  • payments are simplified and they even offer installment payments that you can pay over several months.

Despite this long list of benefits, distance training to become a childcare assistant are not without drawbacks:

  • you may find it difficult to work alone: ​​even if you are accompanied by a pedagogical referent, it is important that you are diligent and organized;
  • you will not see the other students: some institutes set up forums to allow students to communicate with each other.

How much does remote childcare assistant training cost?

Usually the price byremote childcare assistant training is between 1 and 500 euros and you have the option of staggering the payments in monthly instalments. The teaching aids and the quality of the teaching justify this rather high cost.

Furthermore, the is byquality training is very important, you will have to take care of very fragile children and no mistakes are allowed. Here are the 3 main criteria to consider when choosing a training institute:

  • trainers' diplomas;
  • the skills, professionalism and qualifications of teachers;
  • the value of the diploma you will obtain at the end of the training.