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Master AI with Express training on ChatGPT

In just 10 minutes, this little training course takes you into the fascinating world of generative artificial intelligence. No more aprioris, you will discover concretely how to use ChatGPT in your routine. Although ultra-condensed, this reminder is no less complete.

From the start, we simply explain to you what ChatGPT is. This assistant born in November 2022 at OpenAI is based on a major advance in natural language processing. A real disruption in the field of human-machine conversation!

Then, head over to 10 smart tips to get the most out of this tool. No nonsense, just practical cases. Whether you're looking to boost your productivity, develop skills or simply save tons of time, these techniques will be your new best friends.

Small example? You will learn how to have ChatGPT generate qualitative content in 2 clicks. Bye bye tedious writing, hello monstrous time savings!

AI, the new weapon for winning companies

Although it can be improved, ChatGPT announces what the artificial intelligence of tomorrow will be. And according to many informed observers, this technology is preparing to revolutionize our world of work. An upheaval on a scale potentially comparable to the advent of the web!

In the years to come, AI will become essential for anyone who wants to stay competitive. Organizations that know how to tame it will gain a decisive advantage. Optimization at all costs, redesigned customer experience, maximum fluidity and productivity… the benefits will be massive.

But beyond the professional sphere, AI will also enter our daily lives. Whether it's voice recognition, home assistants or medical diagnostics, it will be omnipresent. Training now is the best way to gently tame this disruptive technology.

AI, the new essential criterion in the job market

If artificial intelligence is still debated in certain aspects, it nonetheless represents a tremendous opportunity to reinvent oneself. As long as you are properly trained to approach it with serenity and method.

The “10 nano tips for ChatGPT” training is an ideal on-ramp. For beginners, a way to assimilate the basics of AI step-by-step through meaningful examples. The most experienced will find a concentrate of good practices to go further.

Because if ChatGPT proves to be rather accessible in its general public version, future AIs will be exponentially more powerful. Understanding the workings and the challenges today means preparing intelligently for the world of tomorrow.

Artificial intelligence is redefining the codes in many key sectors. Transport, health, marketing, human resources… no area will be spared. Anyone who does not train risks simply losing out in the face of competition. This is why this skill is set to become crucial for everyone on the job market. A stimulating challenge awaits you!