Partial activity: applicable rates

Today, the hourly rate of the partial activity allowance under common law is set at 60% of the gross hourly reference remuneration, limited to 4,5 hourly minimum wage. This rate is 70% for companies in protected and related sectors, companies closed totally or partially, establishments in the catchment area, etc.

The rate of the partial activity allowance which is paid to employees is set at 70% of the gross reference remuneration limited to 4,5 minimum wage until April 30, 2021. This makes a remaining charge of 15% for companies which depend on the common law regime and a zero remains chargeable for protected companies.

Partial activity: 100% coverage under certain conditions for the 16 departments under enhanced surveillance

Following the announcements of the Prime Minister of March 18, the Ministry of Labor has just announced that companies subject to opening restrictions or located in the 16 departments affected by the reinforced health restrictions, under certain conditions, will be able to benefit from a in charge of 100% of the partial activity.

Thus, establishments open to the public (ERP) which are administratively closed (shops, etc.