Layoff: definition

There are two forms of layoff:

disciplinary layoff; the conservatory layoff.

Disciplinary layoff is a disciplinary sanction. The employment contract is suspended for several days. The employee does not come to work and he is not paid.

In such a situation, the layoff must include a start and end date.

The protective layoff allows an immediate suspension of the employment contract pending a final sanction, the procedure of which requires a certain time.

Conservatory layoff followed by a disciplinary layoff

The conservatory layoff can result in:

the taking of a light sanction following convincing explanations by the employee of his faulty behavior (warning, etc.) or even no sanction; a transformation into a disciplinary layoff (not necessarily of an equivalent duration); at the taking of a heavier sanction: disciplinary transfer, demotion, even dismissal.

Yes, you can turn a conservatory layoff into a disciplinary layoff.

You can decide to pronounce a disciplinary layoff as a sanction while the employee was placed in