Concretely, this innovative training course was organized in three stages:

● A 2,5-day face-to-face introductory module in September 2019.

● Six optional additional e-learning modules of 7 hours each organized in two stages: an asynchronous half-day of individual activities on a dedicated platform and the other half-day in synchronization with a case study in a virtual classroom .
These modules could be carried out between February and June 2020. Asynchronous time thus makes it possible to carry out the modules at his convenience according to his schedule while the virtual classes allowed all the participants to meet for feedback for example.

● End of course, face-to-face assessment over 1 day

63 salaried trainees, from 30 structures, tackled during this training course various managerial aspects such as professional interview techniques, the facilitation of meetings and the implementation of collaborative work, the recruitment process and the integration of employees, professionalization and skills development, prevention of occupational risks and finally internal communication.
In the end, the average training course amounted to 42 hours, ie 2 to 3 optional modules on average per employee.

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