Improve the effectiveness of your email campaigns with Hunter MailTracker for Gmail

The Hunter for Gmail integration is an ideal solution for professionals looking to improve the performance of their email campaigns. By using Hunter's MailTracker tool, you can track the opening of your emails and adapt your prospecting strategies accordingly. Find out how this integration can help you optimize your email communication efforts and boost your sales.

Email tracking made easy with Hunter MailTracker for Gmail

Hunter's official website ( introduces MailTracker as a tool to track emails sent from Gmail. The extension notifies you in real time when your emails are read by recipients, giving you better visibility into your prospects' engagement. MailTracker also makes it easy to analyze the performance of your email campaigns and lets you adjust your prospecting methods to maximize results.

How do I take advantage of the benefits of Hunter MailTracker for Gmail?

To take advantage of Hunter MailTracker's integration with Gmail, follow a few simple steps. Go to the Hunter website ( and install the Hunter MailTracker for Gmail™ extension by following the instructions provided. Once installed, the email tracker will be integrated with your Gmail account, allowing you to monitor your email opens and optimize your campaigns.

A better understanding of customer engagement with Hunter for Gmail

By tracking the opening of your emails and analyzing the data provided by Hunter MailTracker, you can better understand the engagement of your customers and prospects. This in-depth understanding will allow you to adapt your content and communication methods to best meet the expectations of your audience and increase your chances of conversion.

Hunter is an online platform offering various tools for prospecting and communication by e-mail. With features like email address lookup, email authenticity verification, and email tracking, Hunter helps businesses run effective and targeted email campaigns. To learn more about Hunter and its services, visit the website (

In sum, the Hunter MailTracker for Gmail integration offers professionals an effective solution to optimize their email campaigns and improve understanding of customer engagement. By taking advantage of this tool, you will be able to adapt your communication strategies to maximize results and propel your business to new heights. Don't hesitate to try Hunter MailTracker for Gmail today.