Do you want to improve in your target language more quickly? Use mental images can effectively help you achieve your goal. How does this method work? Lisa Joy, one of our English teachers at MosaLingua and a language learner herself, gives you four ways to create effective mental images that can help you improve your memory and language learning.

Use mental images to improve in your target language

Almost 65% of the population are visual learners, which means there's a good chance you are. Indeed, our brain tends to function by sending us images.

Here is a quick test to better understand! Think about your last trip to the supermarket and try to remember as many details as possible. Think about specific things like the objects you bought, if you took a basket or a shopping cart, if you were there alone or with someone, how you paid at the end… Do not hesitate to close your eyes if that suits you. aid.

How do you remember this event in your head? Was it in the form of words, sounds