Paid leave: imposed or modified dates, split leave

Since the first confinement, you can require your employees to take paid leave (CP) and modify the CP dates already validated without having to comply with the provisions provided for by the Labor Code or your collective agreements (company agreement, collective).

But beware, this possibility is framed. Set up by an ordinance of March 25, 2020, it is subject to the application of a collective agreement which authorizes you, within the limit of 6 days of paid leave, and respecting a notice period which cannot be reduced to less than one clear day:

to decide on the taking of days of vested leave, including before the opening of the period during which they are intended to be taken; or to unilaterally modify the dates for taking paid leave.

A collective agreement can also authorize you:

to split the leave without being required to obtain the employee's agreement; to set the dates of leave without being required to grant simultaneous leave to joint employees and partners bound by a civil solidarity pact working in your company.

Originally, the period ...