The story begins badly, with an economic dismissal which puts Thierry against his will on the job market after twelve years spent in the marketing department of a multinational, first as Marketing & Communication Assistant, then as Head of communication for the company. Then sets in motion for Thierry a turnaround of 180 °, which he had not anticipated: (almost) without noticing it, he will become head of his own company.

It is a business reality after all classic but yet so unpleasant when you are confronted with it: being made redundant for economic reasons when until then “everything was easy”. Thierry, young in his thirties, was no exception. 3 years ago, he suffered, like several of his employees, the consequences of a restructuring plan initiated by the parent company of his employer, Graham & Brown (interior decoration specialist) whose headquarters are located in UK.

Must go through the Pôle Emploi office

The “CSP” option is then activated for him, that is to say the “Professional Security Contract” which should guide him towards a reorientation adapted to his profile. He accepts it, is then registered in the Pôle Emploi registers and discovers the terms of ...