Confront chaos with order

Jordan Peterson, professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, discusses in his book “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” the need to balance order and chaos in our lives. He argues that life is a dance between these two opposing forces, and offers us a set of rules to navigate this complex landscape.

One of the fundamental ideas that Peterson proposes is to stand up straight with your shoulders back. This rule, which may seem simple at first, is actually a metaphor for how we should approach life. By adopting a posture of trust, we face the world proactively rather than reactively. It is an affirmation of our ability to overcome challenges and take charge of our destiny.

On top of that, Peterson stresses the importance of taking care of ourselves. Just as we should treat a friend who needs our help, we should also treat ourselves. This includes taking care of our physical and mental health, and pursuing activities that make us happy and contented.

By addressing these two rules, Peterson invites us to assert ourselves in the world while taking care of ourselves.

Taking responsibility and authentic communication

Another central theme of Peterson's book is the importance of taking responsibility for our lives. It suggests that we should engage fully in life, despite its challenges and difficulties. He even goes so far as to say that we should “take responsibility for everything that happens in our lives”.

According to Peterson, it is by taking responsibility for our lives that we find meaning and purpose. It involves taking responsibility for our actions, our choices and our mistakes. By taking on this responsibility, we have the opportunity to learn valuable lessons from our failures and improve as people.

Additionally, Peterson emphasizes the importance of authentic communication. He advocates telling the truth, or at least not lying. This rule is not only a question of honesty, but also of respect for oneself and others. By communicating authentically, we respect our own integrity and the dignity of others.

Peterson emphasizes the value of authenticity and responsibility in the pursuit of a meaningful life.

The importance of balance

Another crucial point that Peterson addresses is the importance of balance in our lives. Whether it's the balance between order and chaos, between safety and adventure, or between tradition and innovation, finding that balance is essential to living a healthy and fulfilling life.

For example, Peterson explains that too much order can lead to rigidity and stagnation, while too much chaos can lead to confusion and instability. It is therefore essential to find a balance between these two extremes.

Likewise, it is necessary to balance our need for security with our desire for adventure. Too much security can keep us from taking risks and growing, while too much adventure can lead us to take unnecessary and dangerous risks.

Finally, Peterson emphasizes the importance of balancing our respect for tradition with our need for innovation. While tradition offers us stability and consistency, innovation allows us to adapt and progress.

The notion of balance is at the heart of Peterson's teachings. He encourages us to seek this balance in all aspects of our lives, in order to live more fulfillingly.

Ultimately, “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” is a powerful guide for those seeking to understand the world, find meaning in their lives, and take full responsibility for their existence.


The richness of this book can only be fully appreciated by reading it for yourself. This video gives a fascinating insight, but it's the equivalent of just a surface ride. To really explore the depths of wisdom Peterson has to offer, I highly recommend that you delve into reading “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos”.