Understand the digital transformation and ensure the sustainability of your business in a changing world

Technologies are omnipresent, and are developing exponentially in our society. They have an influence on our environment, and it is undeniable that the world is changing.
What are the new challenges brought to us by this digital society? And how is it possible for companies to adapt to this rapid change?

The objective is to give all the keys to business leaders, in particular small ones, to understand the challenges of digital transformation and how to take concrete action, and make their business evolve in the digital transition.

This course will address the following issues:

  • What is digital transformation? How do I prepare my business for it?
  • What are the challenges and risks of digital transformation?
  • How do I define a digital transformation plan for my company?
  • How to drive this change?

Who is this course for?

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Tradespeople
  • SME manager
  • People wishing to understand digital transformation

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