Name: JONIOT. First name: JÉRÔME. IFOCOP graduate. Background: Product manager in the entertainment industry for nearly 12 years. Current position: Marketing manager for a Parisian SME specializing in digital communication.

Jérôme, who are you?

I am 44 years old. I am currently stationed in Paris within the company Canalchat Grandialogue, where I work as a marketing manager following a professional retraining initiated with my registration at IFOCOP.

Why this professional retraining?

Let's say that after twelve years spent working as a Product Manager in my old company, I had made the rounds of the profession. There were no longer any challenges to motivate me on a daily basis, nor even any prospects for professional development. Boredom had set in… In agreement with my former employer, we agreed that a conventional termination was the best solution.

A break that led you to the IFOCOP classrooms.

Yes. But before that, it was necessary to go through the Pôle Emploi box. It is there, by studying the job market and the available offers, that the need to train myself was felt. From Product Manager to Marketing Manager, one might think that there is only one ...