Dive into the heart of economic models and reveal the keys to value creation for companies

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of business models and discover how companies manage to create value. You will learn the essential elements of a business model, as well as their crucial role in the success of a business. By examining real-life cases like McDonald's, you'll explore the interactions between these elements and discover valuable tools for analyzing and developing winning strategies.

Master advanced analytical techniques and apply them to iconic case studies

Expand your skills by analyzing business models with complementary analysis techniques. By discussing real examples, you will understand how these models work in practice. You will also become familiar with analytical tools such as the Business Model CANVAS, SWOT analysis, Porter's 5 forces, value chain theory and PESTEL analysis.

At the end of the training, you will be able to apply the concepts learned to the analysis of other business models, such as that of Uber. This training provides you with a solid foundation for developing your own business or evaluate the strategy of others, avoiding common mistakes and maximizing your potential for success.