
The vast majority of commerce projects (physical or electronic) are dead before they even begin. For the most part, they are doomed from conception.

You don't need to inflate these stats any further. No, you don't have to smash into a wall to confirm this dark trend.

The success of the biggest and most consistent lies in the preparation. With excellent preparation, you will put more chances in your favor. And that's what we offer you.

In this quick and airy course, we take you through 12 key steps that we believe will set you back from guaranteed failure.

In this course you will learn

  • the overall process behind DropShipping;
  • identify the major issues that lie in wait for you;
  • determine your tools, your orientations, your advertising choices according to the real situation of your budget
  • know the milestones to be reached in order to build a coherent store, in line with your philosophy and the needs of your customers
  • evaluate the most appropriate strategies for each of your situations.

The implementation of certain projects sometimes requires large financial investments upstream. But big financial investments never rhymed with successful projects. Our society is full of cases where massive investments have only resulted in personal and collective disasters.