Overview of the French education system

The French education system is divided into several stages: kindergarten (3-6 years old), elementary school (6-11 years old), middle school (11-15 years old) and high school (15-18 years old). After high school, students can choose to continue their studies at university or other institutions of higher learning.

Education is compulsory for all children residing in France from the age of 3 until the age of 16. Education is free in public schools, although there are also many private schools.

What German parents need to know

Here are some key points to know about education in France:

  1. Kindergarten and Elementary: Kindergarten and Elementary school focuses on learning basic skills, such as reading, writing and numeracy, as well as social and creative development.
  2. College and high school: The college is divided into four “classes”, from the sixth to the third. The high school is then divided into three sections: the second, the first and the terminal, which end with the baccalaureate, the final high school exam.
  3. Bilingualism: Many schools offer bilingual programs or international sections for students who wish to maintain and develop their German language skills.
  4. School calendar: The school year in France generally begins at the beginning of September and ends at the end of June, with School vacation distributed throughout the year.

Although the French education system may seem complex at first glance, it offers a high quality and diverse education that can provide German children with an excellent foundation for their future.