Hello and welcome to this 'Excel' course. As an assiduous user of the Microsoft suite software, I suggest you discover and/or rediscover data analysis with 'Excel'. Designed for all audiences, this analysis is really accessible to everyone and the step by step will give you confidence as you progress.

I wish you a very nice journey.

Using a table of starting data (available for download), I suggest that you learn, in this course, to …:

· to land a data analysis project (reusable in downloadable media)

· work with real example data

· suivre several steps step by step4 different techniques)

· calculate descriptive statistics (mean, median, max, min + the 'Unique' function)

· employer exploratory data analysis in 'Excel' (AED)

· analyze with more advanced formulas (logic functions)

· achieve a complete synthetic report (dynamic)

· to prepare et utiliser Excel tables

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