Social networks, media, discussions on the terrace: we are frequently misled, intentionally or not. How to distinguish the true from the false when two doctors speak contradictory about the same vaccine? When a politician relies on very convincing figures to defend his ideas?

To this ancestral problem, we would like to respond: intellectual rigor and scientific approach are enough! But is it so simple? Our own mind can play tricks on us, cognitive biases preventing us from reasoning accurately. Data and graphics can be misleading when misused. Don't be fooled anymore.

You will discover through simple examples what are the tricks used by those who make mistakes or seek to deceive you. A real tool for intellectual self-defense, this course will teach you to spot and counter them as quickly as possible! We hope that at the end of this course your argumentation and your analysis of information will be transformed, allowing you to fight the false ideas and reasoning circulating around you.