Professional equality index: an obligation that comes up every year and that extends

If your company has at least 50 employees, you need to measure the pay gap between women and men against indicators.
An obligation which is not new - since you already had to do it last year - but which comes back every year.

4 or 5 indicators are taken into account depending on your workforce. The methods for calculating the indicators are defined by appendices:


The more your company performs on the indicators, the more points it obtains, the maximum number being 100. Knowing that if the level of results obtained is less than 75 points, it is necessary to implement corrective measures and if so pay catch-up within 3 years.

Once the calculation is done, you must then:

publish the level of results (the "index") on your website if there is one or, failing that, bring it to the attention of your employees; and communicate it to the labor inspectorate and to your social and economic committee.

If you employ more than 250 people your results will also be