In this Google training, we explain how to design an energetic marketing and advertising strategy. You'll similarly see how email marketing, video, and display ads can help you reach and bring in more new buyers. The content offered is free and of high quality so let's take advantage of it.

Cross-cutting theme of Google training: What is marketing analysis?

Marketing analysis is the collection of data from various sources including the results of company marketing activities, consumer behavior information. By relying on these various sources, you will be able to:

– define a strategy

– plan new market studies

– renew your advertising campaigns in a more targeted way

– possibly modified your arguments and Emailing actions

– redefining the objectives to be achieved

A good analysis will give you all the information you need to make decisions and act. But you will need to be careful to analyze only the information that is really relevant. The trap is to spend your time doing analyzes without ever making decisions.

I advise you to follow the Google training if you don't read the entire article. The link is right after the article.

Before you start collecting data, you should ask yourself the following questions.

What is the purpose of the analysis and what do you want to know?

Because the data you collect is crucial to your strategic marketing efforts, it's important to identify the metrics that are critical to the success of your business and your target market. Without goals, marketing analysis is just a list of numbers that don't mean anything.

These are just some of the possibilities offered by the analysis of your marketing actions:

– Justify marketing costs.

– Accounting for marketing expenses.

– Identify effective channels and specific marketing activities.

– Detailed breakdown of resources by project.

– Identification of gaps in your marketing strategy.

Marketing analysis should provide a clear picture and information that can be used to improve existing marketing strategies.

Set up an online store

Many entrepreneurs are looking for new ways to do online business. Online stores can reach thousands of potential customers.

It should also be noted that the development of online tools has made it possible for everyone to create an online store quite simply. This is why many companies dream of increasing their sales with e-commerce. But behind this utopia hides another reality: fierce competition on the internet.

If you want to succeed in e-commerce, here are some more than useful tips.

You cannot do it alone.

Many people dream of having their own online store (at least at first), but it doesn't have to be.

The dream of making money with an online store at home and a store in the garage is tempting, but it is quite difficult to make it a reality: in 2018, there are 182 online stores in France and if you want to be successful, you need to have the skills to stand out even more.

In other words, try to surround yourself with people who can complement your skills.

You can also choose a good provider who has knowledge in different areas related to your project (technical expertise, marketing, internet, search engine optimization, design).

Beware of selling products that no one is interested in

If a website does not meet a real demand or need, its growth potential is low. Some people still seem to lack common sense and spend crazy sums to attack a more than confidential market.

Your site may have a niche, but avoid niches that are too small and already well occupied. If you can't reach a large number of potential customers, your business won't be profitable.

The logic is different if you already have a physical store. In this case, the risks are much lower.

Your site design should be attractive and simple. This helps provide a good user experience that will encourage visitors to stay on the site.

All these tips are recalled in the Google training, the link of which can be found after the article. The better trained you are, the less money you will lose.

Topic covered in module 2 of the training: e-mail marketing

Definition of A/B testing

A/B testing involves testing two versions of the same marketing campaign or web content on two samples of potential customers. The goal is to determine which of the two versions (A or B) is more relevant to the target audience.

Differentiated content and content format should be created for comparisons.

For example, A/B marketing can be applied to different digital media channels.

– Advertising on social media (for example, advertising on Facebook and LinkedIn).

– Registration forms for seminars and webinars.

– Call to action pages with downloadable white papers.

– Promotional brochures for training and distance learning.

– Product descriptions on supplier websites

– e-mail marketing.

Why is A/B testing important for email marketing?

A/B testing is important for improving email marketing strategies in any industry, whether it's B2B, B2C, e-commerce, design, IT, healthcare or services. to businesses.

It helps to know why a particular message is effective or why it is not. Why do some audiences have high response rates to certain emails and low engagement rates?

Relying on assumptions is a bad method: it is an ineffective strategy. Even the most experienced marketers need to test the impact of campaigns to make sure they work and bring in more customers.

There are many reasons to conduct A/B testing:

– Understand the factors that attract customers.

– Identify best practices for writing and sending emails to specific groups of customers.

– Determine which emails to send to the target audience.

– Make informed and objective decisions to ensure business continuity.

– Optimize the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns.

What is the point of betting on local marketing?

Again, it is in your best interest to take the Google training right after the article. This will allow you to quickly understand the challenges of local marketing. Businesses that want to promote their services or products and sell in the local market should opt for local proximity marketing. This also applies to dental offices, beauty salons, grocery stores, clothing stores, furniture stores, etc.

This applies to almost every industry.

For example, Google search queries are becoming more and more narrow and localized, such as dentist in Paris, nearest dentist, nearest toy store, etc.

Another reason is that local web marketing services are cheaper than country-wide or continent-wide services.

National marketing is difficult to implement and is not suitable for all businesses. Local proximity marketing can increase customer interest in your service and help you increase your revenue. You don't need to hire an agency.

How to implement a local online marketing strategy?

You can create and manage your business profile on Google.

In this overview of local digital marketing, it is impossible not to mention Google. The most effective and convenient channel to manage your corporate image.

Google listings are local business profiles on Google that users can use for free and appear in Google search results and on Google Maps.

You can use keywords that describe your business name, services, or products, such as fishmonger in Marseille, to build your brand and increase your sales.

Here are the top benefits of Google Sales Profiles for local businesses.

- Easy to use.

– The use is free.

– Your business website appears in local search results.

– It includes all the information related to your business, such as contact details, location, products, services, descriptions and reviews.

Local browsing is also useful for managing your business profile, checking visibility, and getting reviews. By establishing a consistent profile, you can increase your visibility and attract more customers each week.

Banners and display marketing: Google training module 1

Display marketing is a very old and widespread form of digital advertising. This is one of the forms of advertising that we see almost everywhere.

Banners are the main form. Display marketing is offered by different networks such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or Pinterest.

If you want to reach a large audience through online channels, it is worth doing display advertising or organizing an advertising campaign. This often complements search engine advertising.

Unlike search engine advertising, which is based on keywords found in search engines, display advertising targets audiences based on socio-demographic data.

The basic steps to implement a perfect SEO strategy.

Keyword research

The first step in implementing an effective SEO strategy is keyword research. This is actually the basis for better SEO. First, you need to research your website thoroughly and identify relevant topics and trends. Then the selection of the right keywords takes place.

It is therefore important to know the habits, search frequency and interests of your target audience. The keywords selected must be relevant to the keywords used by the user. If you can identify these conditions, you will be able to reach your target audience and convert them into leads.

You can use various tools such as Google Ads Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, Semrush to better identify the keywords that will interest your target audience. These tools will help you find the best keywords that generate the most traffic.

Audit your site and its SEO

A search engine optimization audit checks the internal and external aspects of your website, as well as its technical level. In particular, it examines the differences between marketing, content and digital marketing strategies.

In practice, every part of the site is checked to make sure everything is working properly. For example, the content is indexed correctly, the internal links are effective, the reviews are of quality, etc. Make sure metadata and meta descriptions are optimized for all pages.

Free SEO tools like ScreamingFrog can be used to check SEO practices, for example to avoid duplicate content, duplicate URLs, and irrelevant information.

Creation of backlinks

Link building is one of the goals of off-page search engine optimization. It usually involves creating inbound links (called backlinks) between other web resources and your pages. When planning link building, you must first select the keywords you want to promote. Then add links that are relevant to your content.

Quality links should come from trusted sources and be related to the same topic as your site. For example, a more authoritative page with dofollow links has a greater impact on rankings than a page with nofollow links. It is therefore important to know the different ways to obtain external links.

Recommended workflow for getting backlinks.

To get links, you need to create quality content that's easy to distribute. This means creating content that others will want to use as a trusted source of information. This method usually takes more time and effort, but is the most reliable in terms of links and visitors.

You can also collaborate with other bloggers to build links and share content. This is called geest blogging.

Create effective and optimized content.

Your content can improve your site's ranking on your keywords. You can view each blog post as a new opportunity. Thus, each of your articles can appear on the results of search engines. If your business does not yet have a blog, you should start one.

Do not use too many keywords in your publications: search engines will penalize you. You can also create outbound links to other authoritative sites related to your topic. They can appear as anchor text or as buttons within the article text.

A good content strategy doesn't require your site to be 100% focused on a single topic. However, the topic should be relevant to your niche and your target audience. This improves your authority position in Google's algorithm. It is therefore useful to create categories of articles that will help you achieve your goals.

Optimize each of your pages in order of priority

Determine which pages you need to optimize first. Here are some tips for optimizing your site:

– Choose the keywords you want to promote on your pages, update the metadata with the most relevant keywords and create attractive and descriptive links to attract more customers.

– Add the keywords to your content.

– Add the keywords to the H1, H2 and H3 headings.

– Use alt tags for images

– Building links to internal content on your site is an important part of search engine optimization. Links to other pages can create clear navigation on your site. It also improves search engine indexing optimization.

 Keep up to date with the latest SEO developments.

Search engines, like digital marketing, are constantly evolving. It is therefore important to follow the latest search engine trends. Remember that there are many sources of information on the internet.

 Check the performance of your website.

Regardless of how much time you spend on it, it's important to know if the SEO strategies you're using are working. If you want to know the effectiveness of your SEO strategy, you need to monitor the whole process. Not only will this help you find areas that can be improved, but it will also open up new possibilities for you.

You can track organic traffic using web analytics tools like Google Analytics. You can also create dashboards in Excel or Google Sheets. The following factors are particularly important:

– Duration of visit or time spent on each page.

– Average number of page views or pages visited during a certain period.

– The average number of page views or downloads over a given period.

– Conversion rate: the percentage of visitors who convert.


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