If there is a place where it can be difficult to assert oneself, it is that of work.
Indeed, it is not always easy to make your voice heard in front of your boss, manager or colleagues.

So if you have a hard time making yourself heard at work here is how to succeed in asserting you professionally.

Self-confidence, the key to asserting yourself at work:

Whether facing a colleague, his boss or a customer, asserting yourself at work inevitably passes by the confidence you have in you.
A good faith in you will facilitate commitment to action and this will allow you to assert yourself at work.
Becoming aware of your qualities of your skills will help you to progress at work and to make your voice heard.

You must also identify the beliefs that prevent you from finding your place in the world of work.
Whether inherited or acquired, these beliefs limit you and block any professional development.

Often, lack of self-confidence leads to fears.
You have afraid to ask for an increase to your boss, because you fear that he refuses.
But deep down, is it really so bad if the answer is negative?
He will not fire you because you dared to ask for an increase, you will still be alive after your appointment.
You have to know how to relativize by exploring your fear of failure.

To impose your point of view at work:

You are not a robot, you have a way of thinking, ideas and beliefs.
So how risky are you in giving your opinion?
You must not seek to gain the support of all your colleagues, because they too have their own way of seeing things.
If you believe in what you say, you have very little chance of being rejected or less loved.
So in meeting, dare to speak.
You can refocus the debate with phrases like "I want to say", "From my point of view" or "For my part".

To know how to say no:

Of course, this is not a question of saying no, right and wrong.
When you want to oppose a decision, your "no" must be justified.
To do this, you first need to know what motivated you to make that decision.
Admittedly, it may be necessary to move forward by frankly asking the person concerned for their reasons.
But it will help you to give your opinion and to justify in a reasoned way your opposition to the contested decision. And this is valid even in front of your boss.
Remember that your boss is not all-powerful, if you motivate your disagreement he can understand it and hear it.