By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Better orient yourself in the vast field of health humanities;
  • Better understand the relevance of the humanities in health for our healthcare systems and for the training of healthcare professionals;
  • Master certain fundamental concepts and ideas, structuring for the humanities in health;
  • Have a critical and comprehensive view of the major ethical issues facing medicine today.


Devoting a MOOC to the humanities in health is based on the observation that the biomedical sciences cannot take charge of all the dimensions of care by their usual methods and knowledge, nor answer all the questions that arise for those who care and to those who are cared for.

Hence the need to turn to other knowledge: that of the humanities – humanities rooted in the reality of the clinic, and which intertwine with medicine the contributions of ethics, philosophy and the human and social sciences. .

This is all the more necessary as the medical landscape is changing at full speed: chronicization of diseases, global health, technological and therapeutic innovations, managerial and budgetary rationalization, major trends of reification by medicine, even though it must remain...

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