Discovering the fundamental tissues of the human body by exploring histological slides on your own under a microscope, such is the program of this MOOC!

What are the major families of cells that make up our body? How are they organized to form tissues with specific functions? By studying these tissues, this course allows you to better understand what and how the human body is built to function well.

Through explanatory videos and interactive activities such as handling a virtual microscope, you will study the organization and properties of epithelia, connective, muscle and nervous tissue. This course will also be punctuated by anatomical concepts and examples of pathologies that affect tissues.

This MOOC is aimed at a wide audience: students or future students in the medical, paramedical or scientific field, teachers, researchers, professionals in the health field, decision-makers in the field of education or health or simply for the curious wishing to understand from what the human body is built.

At the end of this course, participants will be able to recognize the different tissues and cells of our organism, to understand their organization and their specific functions and to perceive the potential pathological consequences of their alterations.