Possess the Essential Foundations

New big data and data science professions offer exciting opportunities. However, the training required for them requires a solid foundation in statistics and computer science. This is precisely the objective of this comprehensive course: to equip you with these essential prerequisites.

First of all, it goes over the basics of Python programming. A now essential language for processing massive data. At the heart of the course, you will learn its syntax and its main modules. With a particular focus on the NumPy library, a central tool in data science.

You will see why classic relational databases reach their limits when faced with gigantic volumes of big data. An introduction to distributed massive storage systems will then be necessary.

Statistics will be covered in depth, from fundamental concepts to regression models. Random variables, differential calculus, convex functions, optimization problems... So many essential concepts for carrying out relevant analyzes on massive data.

Finally, you will discover a first supervised classification algorithm: the Perceptron. A concrete application of your new statistical knowledge on a classic use case.

A Pragmatic and Complete Approach

Far from traditional theoretical training, this course resolutely adopts a pragmatic approach. The concepts are systematically applied through concrete and realistic cases. For optimal assimilation of the concepts covered.

The entire program is structured in a coherent manner. The different modules follow one another and complement each other harmoniously. From the basics of Python programming to inferential statistics, including the manipulation of big data. You will progress in successive stages, methodically accumulating the required bricks.

This training is also distinguished by its versatile approach. By covering the code, data, mathematics and algorithmic aspects of big data. A 360-degree vision essential to fully embrace the issues.

The basics of linear algebra will, for example, be recalled. An essential mathematical prerequisite for working with vector data. Likewise, emphasis will be placed on a detailed understanding of the statistical concepts underlying predictive analysis algorithms.

You will therefore leave with a true transversal mastery of the fundamentals. Ready to tackle the data science and big data courses that interest you with complete peace of mind!

An Opening Towards New Perspectives

This complete course remains above all an introduction to the required fundamentals. But it will be a real springboard for you towards exciting horizons. By taking this essential first step, you will open the way to multiple specializations currently in high demand.

These more advanced courses will allow you to deepen the techniques of exploring and exploiting massive data. Such as supervised and unsupervised machine learning, deep learning, or even clustering methods. Tremendous career opportunities in strategic areas for companies.

You are then free to specialize in the sectors that fascinate you. Finance, marketing, health, logistics... They are all eagerly looking for data experts to optimize their processes by analyzing their masses of data.

But to seize these promising opportunities, you must first firmly lay your foundations. This is the key that this rich and pragmatic introductory training will give you!