With more than 860 million speakers around the world, you say to yourself: why not one more? Do you want to start learning Chinese? We give you here all the reasons forlearn mandarin chinese, and all our good advice to start this long and beautiful learning. Why, how, and in how long, we explain everything to you.

Why learn Chinese today?^

So of course, Mandarin Chinese is not a language that is recognized as easy to learn. It even represents a hell of a challenge for Westerners who want to get started. A hell of a challenge that still offers many interests ... For those who love challenges, it's already a good reason to learn it, for others here are other good reasons to learn Mandarin today.

It is the first language spoken in the world^

More than 860 million people speak Mandarin Chinese on earth. It is the most spoken and used language in the world. As much to say to you that it is already a good reason to learn it: 860 million people with whom to communicate. There are in fact 24 dialects in China, spread over the provinces. However, Mandarin Chinese is understood