Things have been going badly in the world for some time now, events and current events have repercussions on the economy almost everywhere, which is why the question of purchasing power keeps coming up. on the carpet.

For once, we are not going to talk about the generalities of the subject, but to approach it from a particular point of view, that of a civil servant's purchasing power.

Since in this article we will try to understand where is the purchasing power of the fundshareholder in France today, a situation that still requires attention.

What you need to know about the purchasing power of the civil servant

A civil servant is a person who holds a job within a so-called public administration.

And if we are interested today in the purchasing power of the civil servant, it is because the role of the latter is precisely to fulfill a task for the public service, which is why his salary must imperatively allow you to live without wanting for anythingn.

What is the purchasing power of the civil servant?

The purchasing power of a civil servant is the effectiveness of his salary in ensuring a certain standard of living in economic terms.

It is in fact the ability of a month's salary to buy what is needed in terms of products and services, to enable the civil servant to live in a decent manner, giving it access to things like:

  • the food ;
  • cares ;
  • clothes ;
  • but also take advantage of tap water, gas, electricity;
  • finally, to be able to live without going into debt.

Why be interested in the purchasing power of a civil servant?

Although the interest in the purchasing power of a civil servant should not exceed that of other citizens, one should never forget the context in which a civil servant finds himself:

  • he has a job that comes under the public service;
  • he must therefore devote himself 100% to his work:
  • he can't seek to make more money to make ends meet.

To put it to you in a simpler way, a civil servant's purchasing power should not push him to more or less dubious or illegal practices, this is why it is necessary to be interested in this purchasing power more than in another.

Where is the purchasing power of the civil servant at the end of 2022?

With what is happening in the world today, even the purchasing power of the civil servant is not immune to the harmful fallout of events, among all these things that are more and more expensive, namely:

  • the gas ;
  • organic fruits and vegetables;
  • gasoline ;
  • certain foodstuffs.

The purchasing power of a civil servant, does not really allows you to live properly, nor to regularly stock up on what it needs, moreover, some households are forced to hunt for discount coupons, while others have chosen to do without certain products such as meat or fish.

Purchasing power of the civil servant: providing state aid becomes necessary

Provide financial aid coming directly from the State to avoid a decline in the civil servant's purchasing power, is an initiative to consider, and not only for the civil servant's purchasing power, since anyone should be entitled to such aid.

But initially, the civil servant will be able to benefit from aid aimed at reducing the weight of the financial burden, but also at making certain products and services a little more accessible.

Purchasing power of the civil servant: an increase in wages is essential

The expression of the revaluation of wages comes up again and again when it comes to purchasing power.

This is indeed another way of remedying the problem of the decline in the purchasing power of the civil servant, by updating the salary of the civil servant, making it more adequate with the prices of the various products, or what specialists call: the cost of living.

However, this salary increase should not be an individual process, whereby each civil servant submits a request for an increase, no, it should in fact take place through a project aimed at all civil servants in France, and according to a more or less simple process.