The State sets up, each year, many aids and bonuses. For good reason, the cost of living which is becoming more and more important and therefore employees are unable to make ends meet.

Among these bonuses, we can mention purchasing power premium appeared in 2018 and which has since become the value sharing premium. This is a bonus paid to all employees of a company, under certain conditions, with the advantage of being exempt from various tax and social charges.

If you don't know about this bounty, keep reading this article.
Device for the year 2022.

What is the purchasing power bonus?

The purchasing power premium, or even the exceptional purchasing power bonus, was introduced on December 24, 2018 through Law No. 2018-1213. This law, also known as the “Macron bonus”, is a law that was applied each year until 2021. The following year, it was replaced by the name of value sharing bonus. .

It is a bonus that ensures that all companies, regardless of their size, can pay all their employees a premium that is exempt of any kind of:

  • tax charges;
  • social charges;
  • income taxes ;
  • social contribution ;
  • contributions.

However, the payment of the exceptional purchasing power bonus must be made under certain conditions. Indeed, it is only directed towards employees who have a salary less than a total of three SMICs. With the condition that this observation is made the 12 months preceding the payment of the premium.

Also, the exceptional purchasing power bonus must be paid within the time period provided for by law, without it being able to replace any other type or kind of remuneration. Finally, you should know that this premium was capped at 3 euros even if in certain specific cases, this ceiling can be doubled.

This is the case of companies that have signed a profit-sharing agreement or even companies that do not have more than 50 employees. This is also the case for workers who are put on the second line in the case of certain upgrading measures.

The ceiling of the exceptional purchasing power bonus is also doubled if the bonus is paid to a disabled worker or by a general interest organization.

How is the purchasing power bonus set up?

The purchasing power bonus must be implemented in companies in a certain way, and this, througha group agreement which must be concluded under certain conditions. First, it is possible to set it up by means of a convention, a collective agreement, or even by an agreement between the employer of a company and the representatives of the trade union.

Then there are the agreements concluded at the level of the social and economic committee of a company to set up the bonus. Otherwise, it is also possible to do so by ratification or a draft agreement, with at least two thirds of the staff votes.

Finally, it is possible that the exceptional purchasing power bonus will be implemented in companies througha unilateral decision, from the employer. Provided that the latter informs the committee social and economic (CSE).

Who can benefit from the purchasing power bonus?

First there is employees under a work contractl, even if they are still apprentices, as well as public officials with an EPIC or an EPA. And this, on the date on which the bonus will be paid or when filing the signature or unilateral decision agreement put in place by the employer.

Then there is all corporate officers, in case they have a work contract. Without the latter, the payment of their premium will not be mandatory and in the event of a payment, they would not be exempt as provided by law.

Also, temporary workers who are made available at the level of a user company are entitled to the purchasing power bonus when the said bonus is paid. Or even when filing his agreement.

any disabled worker at the level of an establishment and service providing assistance through work benefits from the purchasing power bonus.