Presentation of the general framework of frank jobs, "frank jobs +" for young people under 26 and experimentation in the territory of Reunion

1.1 What is the principle of free use?

Free jobs are a hiring aid scheme that aims to respond to the inequalities that some of our fellow citizens experience: with equivalent qualifications, age and career paths, it is indeed more difficult for residents of priority districts of the city policy (QPV).
The principle is simple: open jobs consist of financial aid paid to any private employer (company, association) who recruits a job seeker or a young person followed by a local mission residing in a QPV, under a contract. of indefinite duration (CDI) or a fixed-term contract (CDD) of at least six months.

For a permanent hire, the assistance paid amounts to 5 € per year for three years, against 000 € per year over two years maximum for a fixed-term hire of at least six months. Between October 2, 500 and January 15, 2020, within the framework of the deployment of "Franc + employment", the amount of ...