For a company to be able to develop its products and expand its market share, it must employ certain means which allow it toevaluate the quality of its products as well as its current market shares. To do this, there is nothing better than a qsatisfaction questionnaire.

If you are not convinced, let us present to you, in this article, the various advantages of this type of questionnaire. What are the reasons for establishing a satisfaction survey? How establish a satisfaction survey ? How to promote customer satisfaction? We will see it all together!

What are the reasons for establishing a satisfaction survey?

Every year or every semester, companies establish what is called “a satisfaction survey”. It is a kind of questionnaire that includes a series of questions that allow the company to assess the degree of satisfaction of its customers. Generally, satisfaction surveys are developed by the company's marketing team, together with the quality manager, and this comes down to the following reasons:

Brand image assessment

Branding is very important for a business. Indeed, a business that has a bad reputation tends to scare away customers, therefore, this will greatly impact a company's market share.

Product quality assessment

boast of quality of its products, that's good, but in the end, it's the customer's word that takes precedence! In fact, this point is generally revised by manufacturers who wish to improve their product in order to conquer more market share.

Increase your profits

Thanks to the'satisfaction survey, a company can determine the weaknesses of its product so that it can improve it. And who says improvement, says increase in sales and therefore, the realization of a better recipe.

Establish a relevant communication plan

Some marketers use results of the satisfaction survey to develop a relevant communication plan. Indeed, thanks to the survey, they will be able to draw inspiration from customer opinions to formulate a targeted message that will promote the conversion of prospects.

How to establish a satisfaction survey?

Before'set up a satisfaction survey, companies must plan their move, because it should be known that a satisfaction survey requires a significant mobilization of capital, therefore, the company must choose the best way to establish its satisfaction survey. Overall, here is how companies proceed to carry out their satisfaction survey.

Development of the questionnaire

The satisfaction survey is based on a questionnaire that concerns different aspects of a particular product. To develop the questionnaire, marketers should formulate short and direct questions. The majority of questions are usually multiple-choice, to make it easier for customers to answer.

Distribution of the questionnaire

Once the questionnaire formulated, managers must decide on the best channel to communicate it. The choice of channel depends mainly on the place of manifestation of the customers. Overall, the satisfaction questionnaire is distributed:

  • on social networks;
  • on blogs or other platforms that have high traffic;
  • via email.

Interpretation of the questionnaire

This is the most important step, because it is at this level that business leaders evaluate the results for know the level of customer satisfaction. That said, for a relevant interpretation, marketers are now using artificial intelligence to give an average rating, based on the comments and responses collected.

How to promote customer satisfaction?

As you can see, customer satisfaction is very important for the sustainability of a company. To promote it, companies rely on ISO 9001 standard. Indeed, the ISO 9001 standard includes a set of criteria that each company must respect in order to improve its product and thus, promote customer satisfaction. Among the criteria that promote customer satisfaction are:

  • product quality;
  • the price of the product;
  • product packaging, etc.

Although customer satisfaction is important, it should be known that it can represent a brake for the evolution of a company. How ? To explain it better, let's take the example of a rice manufacturing plant. If the brand of the latter wreaks havoc with customers, the producer will find it difficult to sell a new rice, since the customers have become accustomed to the first one, therefore, it will be more difficult for the producer to conquer other shares. Steps !