Key to Success: Organizing Yourself

It is often said that success begins with oneself, and it is a truth that André Muller underlines powerfully in his book, “The technique of success: Practical manual of organization of oneself”. Muller offers practical strategies and advice for those looking to achieve success personal and professional.

The author offers a different perspective on personal development, emphasizing that the first step to success is self-organization. He argues that a person's potential is often wasted by a lack of organization and structure, which prevents them from achieving their goals and aspirations.

Muller emphasizes the importance of setting clear and achievable goals, and strategically planning how to achieve them. He gives advice on how to manage your time effectively, how to avoid procrastination, and how to stay focused on your goals despite distractions and obstacles.

The author also demonstrates how good self-organization can improve self-confidence. He suggests that when we are organized, we feel more in control of our lives, which in turn makes us more confident and more likely to take initiative and take risks.

Muller also emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and training for personal and professional development. He says that in today's world, where technologies and industries are changing rapidly, it is crucial to be constantly evolving and learning new skills.

Thus, according to André Muller, organizing oneself is the first step towards success. It's a skill that, when mastered, can open the door to unlimited possibilities and allow you to achieve your personal and professional goals.

The Art of Productivity: The Secrets of Muller

Productivity is another key theme in “The Technique for Success: A Practical Manual for Organizing Yourself”. Muller deepens the link between self-organization and productivity. It presents techniques to optimize time and increase efficiency at work and in daily life.

Muller deconstructs the myth that being busy equals being productive. On the contrary, he proposes that the secret to productivity lies in the ability to prioritize tasks and focus on what is most important. It offers strategies for determining which activities are the most profitable and how to spend the most time on them.

The book also highlights the importance of maintaining a balance between work and personal life. Muller suggests that overwork and exhaustion can actually decrease productivity. It therefore encourages taking time for yourself, recharging your batteries and relaxing so that you can focus more effectively on work when needed.

Another productivity technique that Muller explores is delegation. It explains how effectively delegating certain tasks can free up time to focus on more important tasks. Additionally, he points out that delegating can help develop the skills of others and improve teamwork.

Personal Development According to André Muller

Muller's book, “The Technique for Success: A Practical Manual for Organizing Yourself,” delves into how personal growth is intrinsically linked to success. He does not present personal fulfillment as a consequence of success, but as an integral part of the path to achieving it.

For Muller, personal organization and fulfillment are inseparable. It emphasizes the importance of personal growth and skill development, while balancing this with the importance of taking care of yourself and maintaining your mental and emotional well-being.

Muller emphasizes the need to be ready to step out of your comfort zone and face new challenges to achieve success. Yet he also stresses the importance of listening to your own needs and maintaining a balance between work and personal life.

Personal fulfillment, according to Muller, is not a final destination, but an ongoing journey. He encourages his readers to celebrate every small victory, enjoy the process, and live fully in the present while working toward their future goals.

Thus, “The Technique for Success: A Practical Manual for Organizing Yourself” goes beyond a simple guide to personal organization and productivity. It proves to be a true guide for personal growth and self-realization, offering valuable advice for those seeking to improve all aspects of their lives.


After exploring the keys to success shared by André Muller, it's time to dive deeper. Watch this video to discover the first chapters of the book “The technique of success”. Remember, however, that there is no substitute for the wealth of information and deep insights you will gain from reading the book. in full.