Charisma decoded: more than a presence, a relationship

Charisma is often seen as an innate gift, something one either has or does not have. However, François Aélion, in his book “Le charisme Relationnel”, questions this notion. According to him, charisma is not only a mystical aura, but rather the result of a relationship built with oneself and with others.

Aélion emphasizes the importance of authentic connection. In a world dominated by social media and superficial interactions, cultivating deep and meaningful relationships is essential. This authenticity, this ability to be present and to listen genuinely, is the key to true charisma.

Authenticity is more than just transparency. It is a deep understanding of one's own values, desires and limitations. When you engage in relationships with true authenticity, you inspire trust. People are attracted to this, not just a game of presence.

François Aélion goes further by establishing a link between charisma and leadership. A charismatic leader is not necessarily the one who speaks the loudest or who takes up the most space. He is someone who, through his authentic presence, creates a space where others feel seen, heard and understood.

The book reminds us that charisma is not an end in itself. It is a tool, a skill that can be developed. And like any skill, it requires practice and introspection. Ultimately, true charisma is one that uplifts others, inspires, and leads to positive change.

Cultivating Trust and Listening: The Pillars of Relational Charisma

In the continuity of his exploratory process of the charism, François Aélion dwells on two fundamental pillars to build this relational charism: trust and listening. According to the author, these elements are the basis of any authentic relationship, whether friendly, professional or romantic.

Trust is a multidimensional component. It starts with self-confidence, the ability to believe in one's own values ​​and skills. However, it also extends to trusting others. It is this reciprocity that makes it possible to establish solid and lasting ties. Aélion emphasizes that trust is an investment. It is built over time, through consistent actions and clear intentions.

Listening, on the other hand, is often underestimated. In a world where everyone wants to speak their mind, taking the time to actively listen has become a rarity. Aélion offers techniques and exercises to develop this active listening, which goes well beyond the simple fact of hearing. It's about truly understanding the other's perspective, feeling their emotions, and offering an appropriate response.

The marriage of trust and listening forms what Aélion calls “relational charisma”. It is not just superficial attraction, but a deep ability to connect, understand and positively influence those around you. By cultivating these two pillars, each individual can access a natural influence, based on mutual respect and authenticity.

Beyond words: The power of emotions and the non-verbal

In this last section of his exploration, François Aélion unveils an often overlooked dimension of relational charisma: non-verbal communication and emotional intelligence. Contrary to popular belief, charisma is not just about fine speeches or remarkable eloquence. It also resides in what is not said, in the art of presence.

Aélion explains that nearly 70% of our communication is non-verbal. Our gestures, facial expressions, posture, and even the cadence of our voice often say more than the words themselves. A simple handshake or a look can establish a deep connection or, on the contrary, create an insurmountable barrier.

Emotional intelligence is the art of recognizing, understanding and managing our emotions, while being sensitive to those of others. Aelion suggests this is the key to skillfully navigating the complex world of human relationships. By listening to our own feelings and those of others, we can create more authentic, empathetic and enriching interactions.

François Aélion concludes by recalling that relational charisma is within everyone's reach. It is not an innate quality, but a set of skills that can be developed with determination, awareness and practice. By harnessing the power of emotions and non-verbal communication, we can all become charismatic leaders in our own lives.


Discover the audio version of “Relational Charisma” by François Aélion. This is a rare opportunity to listen to the entire book and delve deep into the mysteries of Relational Charisma.