The keys to inner liberation

“In Eckhart Tolle's famous book, “Living Freed”, a central concept is presented: that of letting go. The author defines letting go not as resignation or renunciation, but rather as a deep acceptance of life as it is. It is the ability to fully embrace each moment, without resistance or judgment, to discover true inner freedom.

Tolle reveals to us that our mind is a constant maker of stories, fears and desires, which often lead us away from our authentic essence. These mental creations create a distorted and painful reality. In contrast, when we are able to fully embrace what is, without seeking to change it or escape it, we find deep peace and joy. These feelings are always within our reach, rooted in the present moment.

The author encourages us to develop a new way of living, based on conscious presence and acceptance. By learning to observe our mind without being carried away by it, we can discover our true nature, free from conditioning and illusions. It is an invitation to an inner journey, where each moment is welcomed as an opportunity for awakening and liberation.

To read Eckhart Tolle's “Living Freed” is to open a door to a new perspective, a new way of perceiving reality. It is an exploration of our true essence, free from the shackles of the mind. Through this reading, you are invited to experience a profound transformation and discover the path to authentic and lasting inner freedom.”

Discover the power of the present moment

Continuing our journey through “Living Liberated”, Eckhart Tolle emphasizes the importance of the present moment. Too often our mind is occupied with thoughts about the past or the future, distracting us from the present moment which is the only true reality we experience.

Tolle offers a simple yet powerful approach to counteracting this tendency: mindfulness. By cultivating constant attention to the present moment, we manage to calm the incessant flow of thoughts and achieve greater inner peace.

The present moment is the only time we can truly live, act and feel. Tolle therefore encourages us to immerse ourselves completely in the present moment, to live it fully, without filtering it through the lenses of the past or the future.

This total acceptance of the present moment does not mean that we should not plan or reflect on the past. On the contrary, by anchoring ourselves in the present moment, we gain clarity and efficiency when it comes to making decisions or planning for the future.

“Living Liberated” offers a refreshing perspective on how we live our lives. By emphasizing the power of the present moment, Eckhart Tolle offers us a valuable guide to living with more serenity and happiness.

Access your true nature

Eckhart Tolle guides us towards a deeper realization, the discovery of our true nature. Far from being limited by our physical body and our mind, our true nature is infinite, timeless and unconditional.

The key to accessing this true nature is to turn away from identification with the mind. By observing ourselves thinking, we begin to realize that we are not our thoughts, but the consciousness observing those thoughts. This realization is the first step towards experiencing our true nature.

Tolle points out that this experience cannot be fully understood by the mind. It must be lived. It is a radical transformation of our perception of ourselves and the world around us. It leads to greater peace, unconditional joy and unconditional love.

By exploring these themes, “Living Liberated” proves to be more than a book, it is a guide for deep personal transformation. Eckhart Tolle invites us to leave behind our illusions and discover the truth of who we really are.


We are delighted to offer you a unique opportunity to listen to the first chapters of the book “Vivre Libéré” by Eckhart Tolle. It is an essential guide for anyone seeking inner peace and personal liberation.