Are you a high school student looking for your way? the trades of the industrial engineering of tomorrow are for you!

Whether you are in Seconde, Première or Terminale, this MOOC makes you discover simply and playfully a whole exciting sector of activity. Explore little-known and fulfilling opportunities and project yourself into the industrial engineering of tomorrow.

Are you a head teacher, librarian or PsyEN teacher in a high school? Take this free MOOC with your students as part of the orientation weeks to discover and make them discover a whole range of professional activity which has evolved enormously and which will still be transformed to offer real opportunities to young people - women and men - who arrive on the job market.

This MOOC is also for you, if you are a higher education student, a graduate of a bac + 2, looking for an orientation and perhaps interested or curious to discover careers in industrial engineering.

This MOOC is made for you! You are wondering what are the possible professions after a Master or an engineering school, what are the expected skills and the prerequisites to join an engineering company.

In this MOOC, discover the engineering professions that will develop strongly in the years to come and benefit from the testimonials of professional and educational experts on the paths to follow.