The two sources of conflict

There are two sources to a conflict, depending on what it is about: either a personal aspect or a material aspect.

A "personal" conflict is based on a difference in the perception of the other person. For example, an employee who will need calm and reflection in his work while another prefers a lively and changing environment represents a difference that can translate into conflict. This will be manifested by words from the two colleagues, such as: “No, but frankly, it is too slow! I can not stand it anymore ! "Or" Really, it's unbearable, he blazes all day, so I blew a lead! ".

A "material" conflict is based on the objective finality of the conflict which, in fact, relates to the consequences of the decisions taken. For example: you want to attend such a meeting instead of your employee, who could be upset, generating inappropriate and conflicting remarks.

How to promote exchange?

If there is a conflict, it is because the capacity for communication has been more or less severed.

So emotion takes precedence over reason. Thereby,