Partial activity: compensation

In partial activity, you pay employees an hourly compensation corresponding to 70% of their gross remuneration. Since January 1, 2021, the reference salary used to calculate the allowance is limited to 4,5 minimum wage.

Write it down
Unless the measure is postponed, the rate of the partial activity allowance will increase from 70 to 60% as of February 1, 2021 in the general case.

You benefit from a flat-rate allowance co-financed by the State and UNEDIC. In principle, the hourly rate of the partial activity allowance is set at 60% of the gross hourly remuneration of the employee concerned within the limit of 4,5 hourly minimum wage. This rate is expected to rise to 36% as of February 1, 2021.

But depending on your sector of activity, you may benefit from an increased coverage rate.

This concerns sectors particularly affected by the economic and financial consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic, in particular because of their dependence on public reception.

The tourism, hotel and catering sectors benefit from the modulation of the rate of the partial activity allowance but they are not the only ones. This list has once again been extended.

We can now distinguish several situations ...