Professional interview: an interview separate from the assessment interview

All companies must set up professional interviews with all their employees, regardless of their workforce.

This interview focuses on the employee and his career path. It allows you to better support him in his professional development prospects (change of position, promotion, etc.), and to identify his training needs.

In principle, the professional interview must be carried out every 2 years after joining the company. At the end of 6 years of presence, this interview makes it possible to make a summary inventory of the employee's professional career.

A professional interview is also offered to employees who resume their activity after certain absences.

No, you cannot proceed to the evaluation of the employee's work during this professional interview.

Indeed, the professional evaluation is carried out during a separate interview during which you draw up the results of the past year (missions and activities carried out with regard to the objectives set, difficulties encountered, points to be improved, etc.). You set goals for the coming year.

The assessment interview is optional unlike the professional interview.

You can, however, conduct these two interviews consecutively, but by ...