Is your company experiencing changes in its sector of activity? Whether you are an employer or an employee, Collective Transitions supports you in initiating a retraining towards the promising professions in your region, in a serene and secure manner. This system is set up as part of the France Relance plan.

Deployed since January 15, 2021, Collective Transitions allows companies to anticipate the economic changes in their sector and to support their volunteer employees to retrain in a secure, serene and prepared manner. While retaining their remuneration and their employment contract, these employees benefit from training financed by the State, with the aim of accessing a promising profession in the same catchment area.

What is a promising profession?

These are emerging jobs from new areas of activity or jobs in tension in sectors that are struggling to recruit.

How can I find out about the promising professions in my region?

In order to properly identify the promising trades in the territories, lists are drawn up by the Direccte after consulting the Regional Committee for Employment, Guidance and Vocational Training (CREFOP). One objective: to prioritize the financing of the career paths of employees entering this new system towards these professions.
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