Overtime: principle

Overtime is the hours worked beyond the legal working time of 35 hours (or time considered equivalent) for a full-time employee.

Overtime gives rise to a salary increase. This increase is provided for by a company agreement or, failing that, by the branch agreement. The company agreement takes precedence over the branch agreement. The mark-up rates cannot be less than 10%.

In the absence of a contractual provision, overtime gives rise to a salary increase of:

25% for the first 8 hours of overtime; 50% for the following hours. Overtime: they don't just give rise to premium pay

Overtime gives rise to the right to a salary increase or, where applicable, to equivalent compensatory rest (Labor Code, art. L. 3121-28).

The payslip mentions the number of working hours to which the salary relates. If the employee works overtime, you must distinguish on his payslip the hours paid at the normal rate and those which include an increase for overtime (Labor Code, art. R. 3243-1).

The premium payment does not