Managers have a key role in managing teams, but their place is not always easy.
Taken between the superiors and the employees, the pressure is sometimes very strong.
This is not without consequences on the atmosphere within the company and on the quality of the work.

So in order not to have the relationship with your manager become toxic, here are some tips and recommendations.

Accept the fact that he is your superior:

This is something that we see especially in young employees, they find it difficult to accept that a person is placed above them in the hierarchy of the company.
Although this is purely structural, the "superior" principle can be problematic.
In that case, you have to put things in context.
For a team to work effectively, it must be led by a leader, as is the case during a work in group.
Do not immediately think that your manager is there to cause you problems, but, on the contrary, to help you work effectively.

Do not see your manager as an all-powerful person:

Again, it is a biased view that many employees have.
Your manager is not overpowered, he too is under pressure from his superiors.
Know how to make the right decisionsmanaging teams or holding deadlines are all things that can affect the manager and it can happen that it reflects this pressure on his teams.
In this case, one must know how to show patience and empathy.

Your manager is a human, like you:

In front of a manager too demanding, even authoritarian, you can forget that it is a human like the others.
It is not because he is your superior that he does not have any personal or professional problems.
So you must keep in mind that if there is a conflict, they are not always accountable to you and that you too may have your responsibilities that you will have to assume.
It is therefore useless to throw everything on his back.

To know how to say stop:

Some managers use and abuse their status and in this case it is necessary to know how to say stop.
Do not wait for the situation to escalate to talk about it.
Discuss the subject with your manager, talk about things that do not suit you and if he does not want to hear anything, do not hesitate to talk to your HRD.
The important thing is always to privilege the dialogue without which, one good morning, you risk to flatten everything for an unwelcome remark.