Learn to speak a language fluently, it's not like learning to ride a bike: it can be forgotten. So, how to maintain your level in English when you don't often have the opportunity to practice Shakespeare's language ? Whether you live alone on a desert island or in a large metropolis, we've put together a short list of simple ways to keep up to a good level in English… without too much effort.

All of these tips assume that you have been able to speak English fluently at some point in your life. That is to say, comfortable enough to understand an English speaker and respond to him without searching for your words during a discussion, whether it is everyday life or a moderately complex subject. If you are able to write your biography in English, you can speak English fluently. Even if you are unable to pass on the ratatouille recipe because you do not know the English names of all the ingredients (eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, garlic, green pepper, red pepper, pepper short, salt, 'bouquet garni').

Here is an almost exhaustive list of all the possible ways to maintain your level of English, even to enrich your vocabulary if