General rules of conduct in France

Driving in France follows certain general rules. You drive on the right and overtake on the left, just like in Germany. Speed ​​limits vary depending on road type and weather conditions. For motorways, the limit is generally 130 km/h, 110 km/h on two-lane roads separated by a central barrier, and 50 km/h in the city.

Key differences between driving in France and Germany

There are a few notable differences between driving in France and Germany that German drivers should be aware of before driving. hit the road in France.

  1. Priority on the right: In France, unless otherwise indicated, vehicles arriving from the right have priority at intersections. This is a fundamental rule of the French Highway Code that every driver should know.
  2. Speed ​​radar: France has a large number of speed radars. Unlike Germany where some sections of motorway have no speed limit, in France the speed limit is strictly enforced.
  3. Drinking and driving: In France, the blood alcohol limit is 0,5 grams per litre, or 0,25 milligrams per liter of exhaled air.
  4. Safety equipment: In France, it is mandatory to have a safety vest and a warning triangle in your vehicle.
  5. Roundabouts: Roundabouts are very common in France. Drivers inside the roundabout usually have priority.

Driving in France may have some differences compared to Germany. It is important to familiarize yourself with these rules before hitting the road.