Understanding blended learning

Blended learning is a pedagogical approach that combines face-to-face teaching and online learning. This method offers many advantages, including greater flexibility for learners and better personalization of learning. In this training, you will discover how blended learning is revolutionizing training and how it is applied in vocational training and higher education. You will also learn to distinguish the different modalities of blended learning as well as its advantages and disadvantages. Finally, you will discover how blended learning can be used to meet the specific needs of different types of learners.

Take inspiration from existing educational systems

It is always useful to draw inspiration from existing best practices when you want to deploy blended learning training. The training presents testimonials from experts and practitioners who have succeeded in setting up effective teaching systems in blended learning. In particular, you will discover the hybrid license “Frontière du Vivant” and you will meet a trainer specialized in blended learning. These concrete examples will help you understand how blended learning can be implemented in different contexts and for different educational objectives. They will also give you ideas for designing your own blended learning device.

Take a blended learning course

Taking a blended learning course requires in-depth reflection on the pedagogical and technical aspects of hybridization. You will learn to anticipate these aspects, to implement the hybrid system within your organization, and to select activities for face-to-face and distance learning. You will also have the opportunity to practice preparing for the hybridization of your training. The training will provide you with practical advice and tools to help you plan and implement your transition to blended learning.

Anticipate the difficulties of deploying blended learning

The deployment of a blended learning training can encounter certain difficulties. This training will help you anticipate these challenges and put in place strategies to overcome them. In particular, you will learn how to create a learning community, support your learners, manage resistance to change and manage your activity as a trainer. You'll also learn how to handle the technical aspects of blended learning, such as selecting the right technology tools and dealing with technical issues that may arise. Finally, you will learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of your blended learning training and how to improve it based on your learners' feedback.

In sum, this training will give you an in-depth understanding of blended learning and its potential to improve teaching and learning. Whether you are an experienced trainer looking for new teaching strategies, or a new trainer looking to understand the basics of blended learning, this course will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to effectively deploy blended learning. learning. You will discover how blended learning can help your learners achieve their learning goals in a more effective and engaging way. You will also learn how to overcome the challenges of deploying blended learning and how to create an enriching learning experience for your learners.