Evaluation as a training tool

The evaluation is much more than a simple examination or correction of papers. It is a powerful training tool that can be used to support learning. In this section, you will learn how to analyze your relationship to evaluation, to adopt an evaluator posture and to distinguish between summative and formative evaluation. You will also discover how to use formative assessment as a lever for learning.

Assessment is an essential aspect of teaching and learning. It helps measure the effectiveness of teaching, track learner progress, and identify areas that need additional attention. However, assessment can be a challenge for many trainers and teachers. This formation will help you understand the different roles of evaluation and adopt a trainer-evaluator posture compatible with learning.

Performance evaluation

The evaluation of a performance can take many forms, whether it is a written exam, an oral defence, a written file or any other test. In this section, you will learn how to set up your assessment, give a score and formulate a relevant and actionable assessment. You will also understand the link between performance and learning, and prepare to propose assessment criteria for an exam.

Performance appraisal is a complex task that requires a clear understanding of the evaluation objectives, evaluation criteria and evaluation methods. This training will provide you with the tools and knowledge necessary to effectively evaluate a performance, whether in the context of a written exam, an oral defense, a written file or any other test.

Design of a learning assessment

This training will help you define and classify your educational objectives, understand the different levels of assessment (knowledge, automatisms, skills) and design assessments that effectively measure the achievement of these objectives. You will also practice providing assessments for all 4 levels of learning, allowing you to measure the effectiveness of your teaching and identify areas that need additional attention.

Designing a learning assessment is an essential skill for any trainer or teacher. It makes it possible to measure the effectiveness of teaching, to follow the progress of learners. This training will provide you with the tools and knowledge to design effective assessments that are aligned with your educational goals.

In sum, this training will give you an in-depth understanding of evaluation as a training tool. Whether you are an experienced trainer looking for new assessment strategies, or a new trainer looking to understand the basics of assessment, this training will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to design effective assessments that support learning.